Aero East Europe SILA-450 Aircraft for Sale
Browse 2 new and used Aero East Europe SILA-450 Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Aero East Europe SILA-450 Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.
2020 Aero East Europe Sila 450C
Sila 450 Aero-East-Europe
Sempre hangarato
Ore cellula 1400
Ore motore 1400 tipo 912 100cv
Scadenza avanzato 2027
Paracadute balistico
Trasponder C
Radio 8:33
Attuatore flap elettrico Flybox
Elica tripala con mozzo Porcelli PVV
Attuatore el...
2022 Aero East Europe Sila 450 C
A brand new Sila 450 C with a glass cockpit and electric seat adjustment. Only 193 hours on the totalizer for all the components. It is equipped with a Rotax 912 ULS and a Duc Inconel Flash-L propeller. The cabin is comfortable and wide.
Airplane ti...