Browse 4 new and used Apollo Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Apollo Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

2012 Apollo Delta Jet 2
Apollo Delta Jet 2 used exclusively for air experience flights, flown by one pilot only throughout its life. Always kept in hangar! Airplane time state: 800 hours, Rotax 912UL (80hp)
2012 Apollo Gyro AG1
A well maintained gyrocopter in good condition. Original engine, propeller, and rotor. The engine is a Rotax 912 ULS, the prop is Velez Prop W3L, the rotor is Averso. Only 460 hours on the clock for all the components. The aircraft is equipped with s...
2013 Apollo Delta Jet 2
An excellent ultralight trike in good condition. Rotax 912 UL engine, Velez Prop W3L and the Air Creation iXess wing, all with only 395 hours total. The wing is equipped with a trimmer. The instrument panel consists of a standard array of analog inst...
Deltajet SSDR
Deltajet SSDR 9995DeltaJet SSDR with Rotax 582 Blue top engine and Lamouette Ipsos topless wing. UK registered G-CITC Only a few hours test flown. Looks like Exodus Deltajet 500 StingRay But straight from Apollo factory with reduced weight as S...
2012 Apollo Delta Jet 2
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2012 Apollo Gyro AG1
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2013 Apollo Delta Jet 2
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Deltajet SSDR
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