Browse 418 new and used Beechcraft Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Beechcraft Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

Avião BEECHCRAFT KING AIR C90GTi 2008 com 8 (1 + 7) assentos à venda em Brasil, com 3050 horas totais de célula General information: Aceita Proposta! Apróximadamente 500hs para o overhaul. Proline 21 3050 horas totais 550 horas disponíveis apróx
2007 Beech Baron G58
Engines Loc. Make Model TSN L Continental IO-550-C 948 R 948 Turbocharged, TBO: 1,700, RAM Nickel Cylinder UpgradeProps ...
Beech King Air B200
Airframe Landings: 9,475 Engines Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN CSN TSOH TSHS L Pratt & Whitney PT6A-42 PCE-94181 12281 ...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BARON G58 2012 com 6 (1 + 5) assentos, matrícula PP-JEM, à venda em Brasil, com 1600 horas totais de célula General information: Ano 2012 16000h Totais Ar Condicionado Interior em couro bege nota 10 Exterior Pintura Nota 10 Aeronave...
Beech 35 Bonanza
V-Tail Bonanza in excellent condition Airplane time state: 4400 hrs TT Engine 1000 hrs since rebuild with improved heavy BB crankcase new VAR crankshaft and factory new cylinders Propellor Hartzell Scimitar 1000hrs TT 100 SMOH
Beechcraft Bonanza F33A
This airplane has been impeccably maintained, always hangered, and owned by a aircraft IA mechanic. AIR CONDITIONED! This airplane is a beautiful F33A. Total Airframe 1543.7 Total Engine Time 1543/Top Overhaul done in 2007 at 1295 hours Annual Decem...
Beech Baron 58P
Tel: 765-378-0300 Fax: 765-378-0303 282 Airport Rd. Anderson, Indiana 46017 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice Engines Loc. ...
Beech King Air B200
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Beechcraft Debonair
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Beech King Air B200
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Beech 35 Bonanza
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