Browse 74 new and used Piston Airplanes for Sale in Canada listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Piston Airplanes for Sale in Canada near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

2014 Comp Air 6
Total Airframe Time: 74 Hours Engine Time: 74 M-14PFX-DK (Yak Radial 750 TBO 400 hp) Prop: 2 SNEW ( MTV 3 Blade)
1979 AEROSTAR 601P
Aircraft is subject to verification of specifications, logs, times, damage and all equipment listed. Airframe: Total Time: 4,840.1 Engines: Lycoming Time: 1320/0 SMOH Props: Time: 1047/1047 Both props overhaul due June 2022
1957 DeHavilland Beaver
Airframe Total Time: 22760 Hrs. Engine Time: 984 Hrs. Prop Time: 107 Hrs ( Hamilton Standard 2 blade p/n 2030-405 Ag Blade)
This vintage 1943 Stinson V-77 with British markings is proudly presented. Originally designed for comfort and durability. This Stinson Reliant is distinctly original. The Stinson "Reliant" model V-77 as modified from a military-type AT-19 was a high...