Cessna F172 Aircraft for Sale
Browse 28 new and used Cessna F172 Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Cessna F172 Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.
1975 Cessna F-172M
- EASA Classification [French]
- ENGINE LYCOMING [O-320-E2D]: SMOH 2490 h installed in 2012 [150 hp] - TBO 2640 h
- PROPELER MCCAULEY [1C160/DTM7553] 2-blades: SPOH 900 h installed in 2019
- COM/NAV: Garmin GNC-255A [8.33 mHz]
- AUDIO: Sig...
1977 Cessna F-172 Skyhawk N eng OVH
Hard to find very tidy French made Cessna F172N,
Bravo Zulu benefits from:
Zero timed engine
New Prop
Factory corrosion protection + regular ACF 50 treatment
Under BenAir CAMO
145 maintenance.
All SDIs done
Always hangared
ARC till 12-2024
Last ...
1972 Cessna F-172 L G500TXi
We are pleased to offer this unique and perfect CESSNA 172 L for sale in the name of the owner.
An almost unique opportunity to purchase a CESSNA 172 with a rescue parachute system a perfectly equipped airplane with great avionics! an offer for buyer...
1977 Cessna F-172 Skyhawk N
This is a beautiful F172N with low time
Airplane time state:
TTAF 4925H
Engine TSO 666H since 12/2021
Propeller TSO 321H
1972 Cessna F-172 Skyhawk L
Selling this nice Cessna F-172 L, Mogas STEC
Airplane time state:
Airframe Hours total 5777 hours
New factory rebuild Engine 1845 Hours
Engine Lycoming O-320-E2D and Propeller on condition
New ARC till 1.7.2025
Last Leaktest: 72/70/74/72
1968 Cessna F-172 Skyhawk H
Always hangered
Airplane time state:
4370 hours since new
Continental O 300 D
Engine 600 hours SOH
1968 Cessna F-172 Skyhawk H
Reims Cessna 172H
Former Dutch Police aircraft, from 1968 to 1980, after that in private hands.
Airplane time state:
A/C time: 11.050 hours
Engine Continental O-300-D
Engine TBO 1.800 hours, last overhaul 1980 (on condition, running well)
More techn...
2001 Cessna F-172 R
Wonderful aircraft C172 R always under Camo.
New engine with all components and propeller overhauled zero time.
Aircraft is IFR certified
Airplane time state:
Aircraft TT 4300
Engine Lycoming IO-360-L2A new overhauled
Propeller McCauley new overhau...