Browse 44 new and used Diamond Aircraft DA40 Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Diamond Aircraft DA40 Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

2008 Diamond DA-40 STAR NG
> EASA Classification [French] > Converted to NG in 2015 > ENGINE Austro Engine E4 [E4-A-06514] 168 hp: TSN 300 h in 2023 > PROPELLER MT-Propeller [MTV-6-R/190-69] 3-Blades: SPOH 800 h in 2021 Avionics Garmin G1000 [GIA63]: - PFD: Garmin...
Diamond DA40 NG
Tel: (800) 903-8402 Tel: (954) 771-0411 Fax: (888) 206-0582 Hangar 15 5544 NW 23rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Withou...
Diamond DA40 Star TDI G1000
DA40 Star TDI with CD135 engine. Airplane time state: AIRFRAME HOURS: 3273,55 ENGINE: TAE125-02-99 ENGINE HOURS: 1205,55 ENGINE INSTALLATION DATE: 21.03.2020 PROPELLER: MTV-6-A-187-129 PROPELLER HOURS: 353,15 PROPELLER INSTALLATION DATE : 19.02....
Diamond DA40 Star NG
Modern single-engine four-seater ready for delivery! Airplane time state: TT 800hours SNEW Power plant: Austro Engine AE 300 turbocharged common-rail injected 2.0 liter Jet-A1 engine with 168 HP and EECU single lever control system MT Propeller MT...
2003 Diamond DA40 Star TDI
Well-kept low time Diamond DA40 TDI for sale! Only 450 hours on engine and propeller. New Garmin 345 audio panel, otherwise in classic configuration. IFR certified, autopilot, 2 x Garmin 430. Ideal platform for flight training or personal use. The ai...
2022 Diamond DA40
AirframeHours (Tach) Engines Loc. Make Model TSN C Austro Engine AE300 490 Hours (Tach), Turbocharged Common-rail Injected 2.0L Diesel En...
2019 Diamond DA40NG for sale
DA40NG $490,000The Ferry Pilots Ltd. is proud to be the exclusive broker of N152WB a meticulously maintained Diamond DA40NG aircraft available for viewing at EGBN Nottingham Airport in the UK. All AD s complied with and will be sold with a fresh ...
2014 Diamond DA40 NG
Tel: (800) 903-8402 Tel: (954) 771-0411 Fax: (888) 206-0582 Hangar 15 5544 NW 23rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Withou...
2014 Diamond DA40 NG
Preowned DA40NG S are rare on the market. This plane is equipped with air conditioning and all the other equipment you could expect in a modern glass cockpit airplane. Airframe: Total Time: 1,450 Engines: Time: 1450 TBO: 1800 Props: Time: 1450
The newest pre-owned DA40 NG on the market with air conditioning and all the other creature, 2024! Almost 1.5 years of factory warranty remaining! Like NEW in almost every way. Airframe: Total Time: 148 Full Factory Warranty until May 2026 Engines...
Diamond DA40 NG
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Diamond DA40 Star NG
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