There are 17,671 expired Aircraft for Sale listingsAircraft for Sale.

Cirrus SR22 GTS - "Generation 6"
AirframeTTSN (Flight) Engines Loc. Make Model TSN C TCM IO-550-N 325 TTSN (Flight), 310 HP, TBO at 2,200 Hours (Flight)Props ...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BONANZA G36 2015 com 6 (2 + 4) assentos à venda em Estados Unidos, com 420 horas totais de célula General information: 2015 BEECHCRAFT BONANZA G36 Excelente aeronave para importação ! • Tempo Total de célula: 420h SNEW • Fabricante ...
Cessna 172L
34HSMO 16KHTT IFR KINGS Mine 12 years, all ADs complied with, no corrosion, blue white, hanger in Florida 7fl4
1979 Cessna 172K
Airframe: TTAF: 5514 Engines: SMOH: 1522 Props: SPOH: 719
1961 Cessna 182D
Aircraft hangered for past 40 years Airframe: TTAF: 2600 Engines: Continental o470L Time: 1100 Hours on Reman by ECI
1999 Cessna 172 Skyhawk S GTN650 G5
Cessna 172S Year 1999 Very good condition Well equipped and IFR certified Garmin GTN650 / Garmin G5 FlyMap L Immediately available Registration: OK-DEF (EASA, Czech republic) Previously: D-EIOH (EASA, Germany) Serial number: 172S8190 Airplane time...
Airframe: TTAF: 4022 Engines: Continental O-470 R SN 811816-R Props: McCauley 2 Blade Prop
1960 CESSNA 172A
Airframe: TTAF: 5867 Engines: Smooth Continental 0-300 Compressions: 74, 75, 68, 78, 76, 76 SMOH: 1264
2007 Alpi Pioneer 300
Nice plane Engine Rotax 912ULS 100 hp Propeller Idrovario 100 h Engine and fuselage 650 h Parachute Autopilot EFIS AvMap Pneumatic landing gear 3 Fuel tanks 130 litre Fuel computer and more...
2015 Cirrus SR22 T G5 GTS
Airframe1629 Total Hobbs Hours since New Engines Make Model Continental TSIO-550-K 315HP at 2500 RPM with 6 Point Mount Props Make ...
Cessna 172L