Aircraft for Sale in Germany
Browse 442 new and used Aircraft for Sale in Germany listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Aircraft for Sale in Germany near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.
1970 Piper PA-39 Twin Comanche C/R
ASI Germany is proud to present this 1970 Piper PA-39 Twin Comanche, the Twin Comanche is one of the most fuel-efficient, practical and cost-effective light twins on the market. The Twin Comanche is a staple of twin engine training and a great starti...
2003 Cirrus SR22 G1
For sale is a 2003 Cirrus SR22 with a total time of 1375 hours. It is equipped with an Avidyne Entegra avionics system featuring DFC90 autopilot, as well as dual Garmin GNS-430W navigation units. This aircraft combines advanced technology with low to...
2003 CIRRUS SR-22 G1
For sale is a 2003 Cirrus SR22 with a total time of 1375 hours. It is equipped with an Avidyne Entegra avionics system featuring DFC90 autopilot, as well as dual Garmin GNS-430W navigation units. This aircraft combines advanced technology with low to...
1972 Cessna F-172 L G500TXi
We are pleased to offer this unique and perfect CESSNA 172 L for sale in the name of the owner.
An almost unique opportunity to purchase a CESSNA 172 with a rescue parachute system a perfectly equipped airplane with great avionics! an offer for buyer...
GefaFlug gondola
GefaFlug 4-seater gondola, for AS-105-GD, built 2004, 350 hrs. Cameron double Shadow burner. Helix 4 propeller. Rotax 582 UL engine, new engine installed in 2018, 50 hrs since. Dittel KRT2 8.33 kHz VHF air band transceiver, Flytec 3040. ARC will be r...
1973 Cessna 500 Citation 1
Best low time EASA Citation on the market.
EASA certified
One Engine just performed the Hot Section Inspection!!
Phase 5 completed January 2024!!
Delivery With ADSB-OUT STC!!
No Damage History
Commercially Operated under German AOC
SierraTrax Mainten...
1946 Piper J-3 Cub J3C-65
Wonderful and perfectly restored J3C-65 Piper for sale!
Ready to fly.
Will be handed over with fresh anual.
Airplane time state:
TTAF: 3098h
Engine: Continental A-65 - 1700h until TBO (65HP)
ARC new!
1998 Maule MX-7-180
Maule MX7-180, Like new condition. TTAF 540hr. TT Engine 540hr. Hartzell Propeller 0 SOH.
Airplane time state:
Engine Lycoming O-360-C1F, Like new! TTSN 540 hrs, Maule MX7 Airframe 540 hrs TTSN. Aluminum Spring Gear, All new Interior, New Ceconite...
ASI are proud to present this fleet of four civilian registered Blackhawk helicopters.
The aircraft are currently registered under EASA and are the only civilian operated Blackhawks in Europe.
The aircraft are equipped for load lifting and firefig...
D-OGDL Gefa Flug AS-105-GD
D-OGDL, Gefa Flug AS-105-GD, built 2007, 100 flights, 80 hrs. Hyperlast, various banner areas. GefaFlug 4-seater gondola, built 2007, 100 flights, 80 hrs. Cameron Shadow double burner, built 2007, 100 flights, 80 hrs. Vapour pilot lights, TEMA fittin...