Aircraft for Sale in Italy
Browse 148 new and used Aircraft for Sale in Italy listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Aircraft for Sale in Italy near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.
2009 Cirrus SR22T G3 GTS FIKI
2009 Cirrus SR22T G3 GTS FIKI, Oxygen, Air Conditioning, full optional.
perfect moment to buy it with NEW ARC FEB 2025 and Annual/100 hours check end of February.
New Engine in 2016 with only 700 and TOP OVER HAUL in 2022 for a perfect engine and u...
1976 ROBIN HR200/120B
Casale Monferrato, Italy
1976 ROBIN HR200/100 - Two seat touring aircraft. All metal construction. No damage History.
Easy to fly with a consumption of only 23 liters per hour at a speed of 90/95 kts,
120 Liters fuel capacity, over 5 hours endura...
2018 Alpi Pioneer 300 Griffon
Excellent and Full Options Pioneer 300 Griffon, with only 285 Hours. Powerful 100HP 912 Is Sport Rotax Engine, Autopilot, Ballistic Parachute, Extra Range 2x 50 LT fuel tanks.
Advanced Ultra Light Italian registration with EU VAT PAID in Italy.
Max ...
2009 Asso IV Whisky
Vendo Asso IV Basico - Prima immatricolazione 22/12/2009
Biposto tandem - carrello fisso
Revisione completa carburatore nel 2023
Cilindro n 4 revisionato maggio 2024
Revisione completa cellula 2017
Revisione completa impianto elettrico 2017
1973 Cessna FR-172 Reims Rocket J
Airframe TTSN: 3125:10
Engine Continental IO-360-H7B, 215 hp
TTSN/SMOH: 154:40
Constant-speed propeller McCauley
ARC until 09/2025
1973 Piper PA-28R-200 Arrow II
Extremely well-cared-for and always hangared Piper Arrow II
Airplane time state:
TTAF 16245
ENGINE LYCOMING IO-360-C1C SN RL-6448-51A TT 3548 SMOH 1788 (Camshaft and followers replaced-Cylinders overhauled @ 1218:20 SMHO).
1981 Socata TB-10 Tobago
Light Sport Aircraft
IFR equipped, Always hangared, Damage history
last annual: 3/2024
Location: Italy, brindisi, lbri
Total Time (TTAF): 3800 h
passengers: 4
Airplane time state:
Number of engines: 1
Make/Model: Lycoming
Serial No.: O-360-A1...
1966 Beech 33 Debonair 285 hp G5
Private Aircraft
In good condition
Selling because not flying enough
Previously registered in Switzerland from November 1966 till December 2005, then sold to private owner in Italy and registered in Germany.
Maximum Take Off Weight: 1497 ...
Partially built Groppo Trail MKII factory inspected
Trail 35000 EuroPartially built Groppo Trail MKII kit is available for sale.
Fully factory inspected.
-Fuselage almost completed and on gear
-Standard Marchingegno wheels and brakes
-All parts available
If required, a full range of avionics inter...