Browse 21 new and used Rockwell Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Rockwell Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

rockwell commander 112 A
well maintained rockwell commander 112 one owner, one pilot. in our family since 1986. flying mercedes for low cost of golf price. located edds ca. since 1974 2 x new paint in 90‘ and ca. 2010, yearly maintained since 1986 at ltb edds, engine 200...
Rockwell Super Commander 114B
114B 180,000This Commander 114 is the perfect cruising tourer aircraft. With extremely low total airframe time, this aircraft has been meticulously maintained under part 145 maintenance organisation, and features the Commander Super upgrade as we...
Rockwell Commander 500 project
This is an Aerocommander, similar to the first aircraft with call sign Air Force One. Aircraft is fully complete except the engines and the props. Airplane time state: TT 9560 hrs No engines
Rockwell Commander 112 A GI275
A well-maintained IFR-capable Rockwell Commander 112A with a fresh engine and modern avionics. This aircraft is ready to fly and offers exceptional comfort, efficiency, and performance. Equipped with a newly overhauled Lycoming IO-360-C1D6 engine (0 ...
1974 Rockwell Commander 112 project
Projekt: Rockwell 112 A Bauj. 1974, Zustand O.K. Flugzeug ist nicht zugelassen, Kennzeichen ist vorgemerkt, Bei der Vorbereitung des neuen ARC und der Wiederzulassung wurde ein Riss im rechten Motorgeh use unterhalb von Zyl. 1 festgestellt, Motor l ...
1999 Rockwell Commander 114 B Super
This Commander 114 is the perfect cruising tourer aircraft. With extremely low total airframe time, this aircraft has been meticulously maintained under part 145 maintenance organisation, and features the Commander Super upgrade as well as super stre...
1962 Rockwell Commander 500 A
Exclusive 7-seat plane from the Rockwell Commander family, a series that included the smallest aircraft ever used in the Air Force One fleet in the USA. OFFER HIGHLIGHTS: - Always hangared - Privately owned - New avionics - Garmin G5 - De-icing syst...
1979 Rockwell Commander 114 A
UK Aviation Sales Ltd are proud to exclusively present this beautiful 1979 Rockwell Commander 114A. This aircraft has been very well looked after by its present owner for the last 14 years and its present condition is testament to how well this aircr...
1975 Rockwell Commander 112 A Aspen
Same owner since 1997 always hangared .Sell cause purchase h licopter. Airplane time state: AF Total hours 3148 CDN valide Engine Lycoming IO-360 C1D6. Number 19839-51A, total hours 2815, since remanufactured 710 hours, TBO 1390. Propeller Hartze...
1994 Rockwell Commander 114 B
Wilco Aviation are excited to exclusively offer this beautiful upgraded Rockwell Commander 114B powered by a very low hour Lycoming IO-540-T4B5 260 HP engine overhauled in 2017. Echo Foxtrot located in the Southwest of England at Cotswold Airport, b...