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1998 Gulfstream G-V
Airframe Landings: 4,727 Engines Engine Program: Enrolled on Rolls Royce Corporate Care Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN CSN L Rolls Royce BR700-710A1-10 ...
2015 Diamond TwinStar DA42 M-NG
AirframeHours (As of July 3, 2024) Engines Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN L Austro AE300 E4-B-00471 687 R E4-B-004...
2001 Beech King Air C90A
Airframe Landings: 7,678 Engines Engine Program: Enrolled on MORE Program (20FEB2023) Loc. Make Model Serial# TSOH L Pratt & Whitney PT6A-21 PCE...
1998 IAI Astra SPX
Airframe Landings: 2,320 Engines Engine Program: Honeywell MSP Gold Loc. Model Serial# TSN CSN L TFE731-40R-200G P-113158 3954 2320 ...
2000 Falcon 50 EX
Airframe Landings: 4,913 Engines Engine Program: MSP Gold Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN CSN L Honeywell TFE731-40 P115232 7222 491...
2000 Falcon 50 EX
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