Gefa-Flug AS105GD
Gefa-Flug AS105GD. G-EOGE. 2011. 218.40 hours. Yellow and white envelope with George Brazil airwork that can stay. Valid C of A and ARC issued last October when all systems were working correctly. However, on its most recent inflation, we wer...
Airship Colt AS-56
Airship Colt AS-56. 1986. G-BMJP. 50 hrs. Silver Hyperlast top. Red, white & blue x 2 stripes. Velcro for banners. No artwork. Konig engine. 2 x 60 ltr tanks. (Spain) . EUR 6500 Or without tanks EUR 5000 (Javier Tarno: 00 34 1 5613968 Fax...
LINDSTRAND 360 G-LLGE 418 hours
LINDSTRAND 360 G-LLGE 418 hours. 2013. All Hyperlife and two rows nomex. Current C of A till May 2023. Pictures on landings from mid 2022. All in very good condition. Happy Birthday Artwork on one side, Adventure Balloons on the other. Minor artwork...
Cameron A300 G-CJXI 213 hours
Cameron A300 G-CJXI 213 hours, all Hyperlast. Bailey Balloons artwork can stay, Cameron Basket CB3004, cushion floor, sidewall cushions, dropline, pilot restraint and QR complete, Cameron double shadow, single stealth and 4 times stainless 80...
Cameron N-77
Cameron N-77. 1989. SE-ZEM. Aprx 400 hrs. Top third Hyperlast. Red with MacDonalds M artwork. Cameron Aristocrat basket (CB300-3A) 1.12 x 1.47m. Cameron Mk4 double burner. Euro 2800 (Oscar Lindstroem +46 70 7100 710)
Firefly 7-15
Firefly 7-15 (2200m3, 77000 cu ft) . 18 gores. 1996. French registered F-GPHB, Airworthiness to Sept 2018, 384 h total flight time (incl 42 h tether) . No artwork. S/N F7-911. 3 Velcro panels for advertisements (6 m x 6m) . Firefly basket, S/N 50...
Cameron Z42
Cameron Z42, PH-HOT 2017. (was G-CJUO) . 1200 m3, 60 kg, as new (8 flights / 7 hours) , with scoop, 2 rotation panels, standard parachute, including Flytec TT34 temperature sensor, never overheated, no artwork. ARC valid until 1/2024. Classi...
Ultramagic H-31
Ultramagic H-31, built 2017. G-CKHJ. 22 flights, 21 hrs. Turning vents. Ultramagic Solo bottom end, built 2017, 22 flights, with Ultramagic PowerPlus BMK-008 single burner, liquid pilot light, with hydraulic hand control, TEMA fitting. Ultram...
Gefa-Flug AS105GD
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Airship Colt AS-56
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Cameron N-77
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Firefly 7-15
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Cameron Z42
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Ultramagic H-31
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