Looking for Aircraft? GlobalPlaneSearch.com has 6,246 AircraftAircraft for Sale.

1980 BELL 206B III
Very nice Jet Ranger with Reasonable Times Remaining on the Component sand Engine. Available Immediately. Call or email for more Information and Spec. Airframe: Total Time: 8,100 Engines: Rolls Royce
Airframe: Total Time: 4,404 Engines: LYCOMING TIO-540-J2B Time: 2295/1931 SMOH: 3/3 TBO: 1800 Props: Hartzell Time: 3/3
1966 Morane MS-893 Commodore A
MORANE SAULNIER MS.893A D-EGYX (SOCATA RALLYE COMMODORE) YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION: 1966 SERIAL NUMBER: 10625 MTOW: 1050kg ARC valid tll: 18.12.2024 Empty weight: 609kg Engine unit: Lycoming O-360-A3A 180 hp Propeller: Sensenich 76EM8-0-54 Transponder M...
1979 Cessna 414A Chancellor
Cessna 414 A Chancellor, one owner since new, no damage history, all logs, all original, make an offer owner wants it sold, pictures on request Airplane time state: 3000 TT, 250 left engine since factory new, 750 TT since factory new,
1980 Cessna 152 GTN650
Plane4You Aircraft Sales Center as a exclusive broker of Owner offers well equipped Cessna 152 CS-EBL OFFER HIGHLIGHTS Aspen EFD 1000 Garmin GTN 650 CGR-30P engine monitor Perfect technical and visual condition New paint SID inspection done D...
1978 Cessna 152 GTN650
Plane4You Aircraft Sales Center as a exclusive broker of Owner offers well equipped Cessna 152 CS-EDH OFFER HIGHLIGHTS Garmin GTN 650 CGR-30P engine monitor Perferct visual and technical condition Location: Portugal Year: 1978 TTAF: 7040h Seria...
1971 Cessna 172L
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1961 Cessna 172B
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1980 Cessna 152 GTN650
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1978 Cessna 152 GTN650
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