Browse 25 new and used Beechcraft G58 Baron Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Beechcraft G58 Baron Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

Beech Baron G58
Engines Loc. Make Model TSN L Continental IO-550-C 948 R 948 Turbocharged, TBO: 1,700, RAM Nickel Cylinder UpgradeProps ...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BARON G58 2012 com 6 (1 + 5) assentos, matrícula PP-JEM, à venda em Brasil, com 1600 horas totais de célula General information: Ano 2012 16000h Totais Ar Condicionado Interior em couro bege nota 10 Exterior Pintura Nota 10 Aeronave...
1999 Beech Baron 58
Tel: (512) 292-7088 6501 Torrey Pines Austin, Texas 78746 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice Engines Loc. SMOH TS...
1983 Beech Baron 58
Engines Loc. Make Model SMOH L Continental IO-550 1635 R 1627 (300HP) Engines. TBO: 1900 Props Make ...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BARON G58 2015 com 6 (2 + 4) assentos à venda em Brasil, com 1200 horas totais de célula General information: Aeronave em excelente condições, no Brasil com impostos pagos, à pronta entrega. Airframe: 1200 horas totais
2015 Beech Baron G58 Baron
Engines Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN L Continental IO550C72BN 101176 1200 R 101177 1200 300 HP, TBO: 1900...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BARON 58 2000 com 6 (1 + 5) assentos à venda em Jundiaí, SP, Brasil, com 1750 horas totais de célula General information: Baron 58 ano 2000 com 1.750 horas totais, 30 horas após overhaul do motores e hélice! Upgrade de painel! G500 ...
2005 Beech Baron 58
AirframeExecutive writing desk, vertical adusting copilot seat, top and bottom beacons, wingtip and tail strobe, prop synch , wing ice light, pilot relief tube Engines Loc. TSN L 381 ...
Avião BEECHCRAFT BARON G58 2016 com 6 (1 + 5) assentos à venda em Brasil, com 940 horas totais de célula General information: Trazemos ao mercado com Exclusividade o Baron G58 mais novo e mais bem mantido do Brasil. Engine(s): Motores Continental I...