Browse 5 new and used Experimental/Kit Aircraft for Sale in France listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Experimental/Kit Aircraft for Sale in France near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

1994 Stolp SA-750 Acroduster Too
Acroduster Too built in 1994 is a nice 2-seat biplane with elliptical wings powered by a 180 HP Lycoming engine. Fun to fly, strongly designed, this biplane has very good manoeuvrability capability. Can be an excellent project to get a nice certified...
2009 Zenair CH-300 Tri-Z nith
VENDS TRI PLACE CNRA 160CV Toujours sous hangar visite annuelle : 12/2023 Airplane time state: TTAF 400H Moteur Lycoming O-320-D2A 160 hp Heures totales (SMOH) 400h Helice Evra : 400h
2016 EAA Acro-Sport 2
The Acrosport 2 is a biplane two-seat aerobatic aircraft. Very carefully constructed. You will have the pleasure of flying in an open cockpit and enjoying the qualities of biplane aerobatics. Extremely healthy, efficient and very pleasant aircraft. ...
2011 Alpi Pioneer 300
A vendre magnifique Pioneer 300 train rentrant et pas variable, pilote automatique, concentrateur d'oxyg ne externe pour voyages haute altitude, probablement le mieux quip en France. Excellent avion de voyage. 4h d'autonomie 135kts 4800...
2011 Flight Design CTLS
Beautiful CTLS SN 11-03-09, powered by ROTAX 912ULS 100 hp carburated, Neuform Propeller ground adjustable, Rescue syst repack valid until 06/28, rocket 06/34, NEVER ACCIDENTED, ALWAYS HANGARED. Airplane time state: AIRFRAME / PROP / ENGINE 360 FH i...
2016 EAA Acro-Sport 2
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2011 Alpi Pioneer 300
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2011 Flight Design CTLS
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