Browse 6 new and used Light Sport Aircraft for Sale in France listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Light Sport Aircraft for Sale in France near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

1955 Piper PA-19 Super Cub
Enti rement refait en atelier Pro en 2023 (cellule, entoilage, peinture + moteur, APRS juin 2023) peu vol depuis. CDN renouvel en mai 2024. VHF 8.33 khz Tr s bel avion, visible en ce moment sur l a rodrome de Salon Eygui res LFNE
2007 Alpi Pioneer 300
Nice plane Engine Rotax 912ULS 100 hp Propeller Idrovario 100 h Engine and fuselage 650 h Parachute Autopilot EFIS AvMap Pneumatic landing gear 3 Fuel tanks 130 litre Fuel computer and more...
1947 Piper J-3 Cub
Our Piper J3C Cub is for sale because we bought a Jodel D18. In 2021 we installed a new front fuel tank and in 2024 we installed a new carburetor. We started having some problems with the old Stormberg and thought it safer to just replace it with som...
1989 Aviasud Mistral twin engine Mistral bi moteur en tat de vol
2011 Alpi Pioneer 300
A vendre magnifique Pioneer 300 train rentrant et pas variable, pilote automatique, concentrateur d'oxyg ne externe pour voyages haute altitude, probablement le mieux quip en France. Excellent avion de voyage. 4h d'autonomie 135kts 4800...
1940 Luscombe 8 Silvaire
Very nice Luscombe 8A Silvaire S/N 1186, built 1940. Certainly the best two-seats classic taildrager. Very pleasant to fly. Completely restored in 1997. Won Best Vintage Aircraft , and Best Restoration trophies at the PFA (now LAA) Rally. I h...
2007 Alpi Pioneer 300
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1947 Piper J-3 Cub
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2011 Alpi Pioneer 300
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