Browse 2,242 new and used Planes for Sale in North America listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Planes for Sale in North America near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

2013 Smith Cub
Tel: (418) 871-0047 Fax: (418) 871-6937 710B, 7e Avenue de l'AeroportQuebec, QC G2G 2T6CanadaAll Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice Aircraft Confi...
1980 Piper Archer II
American Aircraft Sales Co. Tel: 925-449-5151Cell: 510-783-2711550 Airway Blvd.Livermore, CA 94551All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice Engines ...
2020 Cirrus SR22T-G6 GTS
AirframeTTSN (Flight) Engines Loc. Model TSN C TSIO-550-K 985 TTSN (Flight), 315 HP Turbocharged, TBO at 2,200 Hours (Flight)Props Loc. ...
1996 Falcon 2000
Airframe Landings: 6,640 Engines Engine Program: Enrolled on MSP Loc. Model Serial# TSN CSN L CFE738-1-1B P105177 9919 6119 ...
2012 Cessna Citation XLS +
Airframe Landings: 4,525Hours (As of 12/16/24) Engines Engine Program: PowerAdvantage+ & AuxAdvantage Loc. TSN CSN L 3 3 R 3 3 ...
2015 AVIAT HUSKY A-1C-180
Now Available. Only 500TT Since New Gaming Touch GPS, Garmin GTX-345 ADS-B In and Out, Wipeaire 2100s Currently in CT but Moving it to Sunny FL this Winter. Let your adventures begin! Airframe: Time: 500 Engines: Lycoming Time: 500 Props: MT Reve...
2022 Paint and Interior CAMP Maintenance Tracking Engines Enrolled on Rolls Royce Corporate Care US registered Great for wedding parties, family gatherings, music groups and sports teams Currently on a Part 135 certificate an...
5,011 Hours Total Time Engines Enrolled on JSSI Plus APU Enrolled on JSSI Gogo ATG-5000 Wi-Fi Aircell ST-3100 Iridium w/ Collins SAT-6000 On Part 135 Airframe: Total Time: 5,011 Total Landings: 3,058 Engines: HONEYWELL TFE731-40...
2001 CJ1 New To Market! TAP Elite w/Recent Doc 10 Inspection. Turnkey ready for delivery NOW! Airframe: Total Time: 5,960 Total Landings: 5,983 Engines: WILLIAMS FJ44-1A Time: 1855/1864 TBO: 4000/4000
2013 Smith Cub
1996 Falcon 2000