Browse 13 new and used Piper PA-32R-301T Saratoga II-TC Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Piper PA-32R-301T Saratoga II-TC Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

Piper Saratoga II TC
Engines Loc. Make Model Serial# TSN C Lycoming TIO-540-AH1A RL-4575-61A 1492 TBO: 2000, 300-HP, Engine New: 11/2016 Props L...
Piper Saratoga II TC
Tel: (269) 651-5431 Fax: (269) 651-6446 Kirsch Municipal Airport 1301 W. Lafayette St. Sturgis, Michigan 49091All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Noti...
2002 Piper Saratoga II TC
Tel: (269) 651-5431 Fax: (269) 651-6446 Kirsch Municipal Airport 1301 W. Lafayette St. Sturgis, Michigan 49091All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Noti...
2001 Piper Saratoga II TC
Tel: (269) 651-5431 Fax: (269) 651-6446 Kirsch Municipal Airport 1301 W. Lafayette St. Sturgis, Michigan 49091All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Noti...
2004 Piper PA-32R-301T Saratoga II TC
2004 PIPER SARATOGA II TC / G1000 WAAS / Garmin 796 TouchScreen JEPP CHT / TAWS / XM RADIO & WX / SKY-497 / S-TEC 55 A/P Refurb Int/Ext 8/2024 - Excl. Cond. 9/10 / (2)-Owners !!! PIPER-AIRE A/C / OXYG...
2002 Piper Saratoga II TC
Tel: (800) 903-8402 Tel: (954) 771-0411 Fax: (888) 206-0582 Hangar 15 5544 NW 23rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Withou...
VERY NICE 2002 PIPER SARATOGA II TC. LOW AIRFRAME HOURS. GARMIN GLASS AIR CONDITIONING, SYNTHETIC VISION Airframe: Total Time: 1,500 Engines: Time: 1500 TBO: 1800 100 Hours Since IRAN Props: Time: 440 SMOH
2006 Piper Saratoga II TC
Tel: (800) 903-8402 Tel: (954) 771-0411 Fax: (888) 206-0582 Hangar 15 5544 NW 23rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Withou...
Very attractive Saratoga TC. Air-conditioned, always hangared! No damage! Avidyne glass panel, ADS-B out, XM weather, Active traffic. Airframe: Total Time: 2,030 Engines: Time: 350 SMOH TBO: 2000 Props: Time: 1070 SMOH
2000 Piper PA-32R-301T Saratoga II TC
Very beautiful Piper 32 Saratoga in an excellent condition. This airplane got every maintenance in the last 6 month. Come in and fly. Airplane time state: ENGINE LYCOMING TIO-540 The a/c engine has now TT 1300 h , the prop 248 h coming new in 2019