Cessna 177 Aircraft for Sale in Spain
Browse 4 new and used Cessna 177 Aircraft for Sale in Spain listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Cessna 177 Aircraft for Sale in Spain near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.
Cessna F-177-RG Cardinal II
Well maintained CESSNA REIMS F-177RG II Cardinal. This aircraft shows no corrosion and only has 1805 hours of Total Airframe Life (TTAF). The engine and propeller have been recently overhauled and both have only 50 hours since overhaul (SMOH) and sin...
1971 Cessna F-177-RG Cardinal
Please read the complete add .,......
IMPORTANT The price of 89.900 does NOT include both GPSs, headphones, portable radio, and traffic avoidance system.
1975 Cessna F-177-RG Cardinal
This Cessna Cardinal has 11.000 hours, the airplane never stopped flying.
She had a brand new engine from Lycoming installed in 2016. The engine now has 2450 h and is flying on condition on daily basis. Compressions are 74-79.
The airplane is fully...