
Contact Information

Aircraft Details

  • Price: $350,000
  • Year: 1986
  • Make/Model: Piper PA-46-310P Malibu
  • Registration Number: HB-PKD
  • Power: Piston
  • Engines: 1 Engine
  • Class: Personal Transport
  • Listing ID: 5729735
  • Partner ID: 59283
  • Posted On: May 16, 2024
  • Updated On: Dec 9, 2024


2500h AFTT | TSIO-550C-14B with 335h STOH | 4 blade MT propeller with 115h SOH | Speed Brakes and additional Fuel Tanks

Airplane time state:
One Continental TSIO-550C-14B dual turbo charger with 310hp and 1650h SFRM in 01/2000 and 335h since 6-cylinder replacement (STOH) in 06/2016.

Four blade electrically de-iced MTV-14D/195-30b propeller installed with 1650h SNEW in 01/2000 and 115h SOH in 09/2020.


Autopilot: King KFC 150 with yaw damper King KAS 297B with altitude pre-selector
EHSI: Sandel SN 3500
2 x COM/NAV/GPS: Garmin G530W and Garmin G430W
Bluetooth: Garmin FlightStream 210 for Bluetooth FPL transfer to G530W
Weather Radar: King RDR 2000 with vertical profile
Stormscope: BF Goodrich WX 500
Radar Altimeter: King KRA-10A
DME: King KN 62A
ADF: King KR 87
Audio: Garmin GMA 340
ELT: Kannad ELT 406AF compact with 406mHz
2 x Transponder: Garmin GTX 330 and Trig TT 31 both Mode S
Engine Indication: Insight GEM 603
Co-Pilots Panel including Garmin Crosspointer

Additional Features:

Long range tanks (140GAL)
Digital engine indication GEM 603
Speed brakes
Co-Pilots Panel
LED Landing Light
Air Condition


Interior from 2016 in maroon and light grey leather in overall good condition.

Spacious cabin |4 PAX seats | Club seating configuration | Executive writing table | Reading lights | Seat recline | Intercom


Original paint in top white with bottom azure blue and brown stripes in overall good condition.

Additional Features

Ownership Status:

The present owner is a Swiss private owner since 04/2014 and the 3rd owner in total. The aircraft was sold NEW to its first owner in 08/1986. In 2002 the aircraft was sold from its first owner to its second owner with a total time of 1505h. The second owner sold it to its third and present owner in 2013 with a total time of 1990h. This Malibu had a lightning strike in 11/1986 with a total time of 138h which did not result in any further damage. In 05/1998 a NLG collapse occurred in Brindisi, Italy. Engine mount and propeller had been replaced, shock loading inspection on engine, this engine is not installed anymore! Hangar rash in 05/2012 with propeller blade damage, engine was not running! All propeller blades replaced! Same maintenance facility maintain aircraft since 1999, before only one other maintenance facility SNEW. All logbooks available SNEW. The aircraft is owner flown and always hangered and requires a 100h inspection. Please inquire for further information concerning both incidents and if other information is required. Currently and previously maintained on behalf of experienced PA46 maintenance facility.

Performance Parameters and W&B Status:
Cruises FL200 | 190KTAS | using 15GAL/h (LOP) | Initial climb rate 1000fpm | FL220 in 30 minutes

MRW 1868kg/4118bs
MTOW 1860kg/4100Ibs
EW 1297kg/2860Ibs
MUL 571kg/1259Ibs
MUF 529l/140GAL
PFF 190kg/419Ibs

Maintenance Status:

02/2012 performed radar pod installation
05/2012 performed propeller repair due to hangar rash
07/2013 performed 84M/2000h aircraft structure inspection
07/2013 performed NLG trunnion replacement
06/2016 performed hydraulic powerpack replacement
04/2017 performed LH alternator replacement
03/2018 performed LH turbo charger replacement
01/2020 performed RH turbo charger replacement
06/2020 performed fuel nozzle replacement
09/2020 performed 72M/2400h propeller and governor overhaul
11/2020 performed alternator replacement
01/2022 performed LH wing boot replacement
07/2022 performed 24M/500h fuel tank inspection
09/2022 performed 500h magneto replacement
09/2022 performed vacuum pump replacement
09/2022 performed 500h cabin pressurization test
09/2022 performed 120M 1H5 and 1H24 airborne check valve replacement
09/2022 performed 100h/annual inspection
All mandatory SB and AD complied with

Needs a fresh 100h inspection, please inquire for further information!

Cruises FL200 | 190KTAS | using 15GAL/h (LOP) | Initial climb rate 1000fpm | FL220 in 30 minutes

Video Tour:

Privately owned, owner flown!

Feel free to call or e-mail us for more information. In case you do not receive an answer to your e-mail within 48h, please check your spam or call us. It will never be the case, that we would not respond to an inquiry.

All specifications subject to verification upon inspection, withdrawal from market without prior notice.

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