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Aircraft Details
- Price: $330,000
- Year: 1999
- Make/Model: Cessna 182 Skylane
- Registration Number: ZS-SVS
- Power: Piston
- Engines: 1 Engine
- Class: Personal Transport
- Listing ID: 6784873
- Partner ID: 61129
- Posted On: Dec 7, 2024
- Updated On: Dec 7, 2024
This low-time Cessna 182S Skylane is located in South Africa and is immediately available. Perfect for touring with reliability and comfort. The four-seat cabin features a clean grey leather interior and a full Bendix King avionics suite, including dual KX155A Com/Nav, KMA 26 Audio Panel, MT76C Mode C Transponder, KLN89B GPS, HSI, and KAP 140 autopilot with altitude pre-select. Additional equipment includes a JPI 700 digital engine monitor and a 406 MHz ELT. With full logbooks and no known damage history, this 182S Skylane is immediately available.
Airplane time state:
YOM: 1999
Make/Model: Cessna 182S Skylane
TTAF: 1 050 Hours since new
Make/Model: Lycoming IO-540-AB1A5 (Normally Aspirated)
TBO: 2 000h
TTSN: 1 050h
3-blade constant speed McCauley Propeller
100h SPOH
IFR Panel
Bendix/King KMA 26 Audio Selector Panel
Bendix/King KLN89B GPS
Bendix/King KX155A NAV/COMM #1/ Glideslope
Bendix/King KX155A NAV/COMM #2
Bendix/King KR87 ADF
Bendix/King KT 76C Mode C Transponder
Bendix/King KCS 55A Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) coupled to Nav/GPS/ & GPS/APP
Bendix/King KAP 140 Two-Axis Autopilot with Altitude pre-select
JP Instruments JPI 700 Engine Monitor
VOR Indicator
ADF Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
406 ELT
Davtron M803 Digital Clock/OAT
ASI and Attitude Indictor
Fuel Gauge
EGT and CHT Gauge
Oil Temp and Pressure Gauge
Volt and Amp Meter
Manifold Pressure and Fuel Flow Gauge
Turn Coordinator
4 seater, finished in Light Grey leather - excellent condition
Overall White with Maroon and Black striping - excellent condition
Additional Features
Always hangared, Privately flown. Logbooks since new. No known damage history. Current Release to Service. Immediately Available.
Price excludes VAT (if applicable).
Zero VAT if exported from South Africa.
Any aircraft specifications and/or descriptions contained herein are provided as introductory information only and do not constitute representations and warranties as to the information contained therein including, without limitation, the accuracy of the equipment installed on the aircraft or the condition thereof. Verification of the same remains the sole responsibility of the Buyer through inspection or otherwise. The aircraft is subject to prior sale or withdrawal from the market.