Looking for Aircraft? GlobalPlaneSearch.com has 6,261 AircraftAircraft for Sale.

1972 Cessna F-150 L
A much loved and well flown Cessna F150L maintained and operated by TLAC has had recent NDT on wings IAW Cessna. Airplane time state: TTAF 14934 0-200A overhauled 24 1 2018 640hrs Prop Sensenich 69CKS Overhauled 28th Oct 2022 110 hrs Annual carrie...
1985 Britten-Norman BN-2T Turbine Islander
OUTSTANDING BN2T Turbine Islander ***Sale includes third (spare) engine*** Greatly minimize downtime during engine overhauls, etc. Airplane time state: 6,500 total time No damage history L eng: 3,000 SOH R eng: 400 SOH Props & Governors FRESH O...
1946 Luscombe Silvaire 8E *IMMACULATE CONDITION*
Silvaire 8EAnyone who has dreams of owning a beautiful Classic aircraft will surely be attracted by the new low price of this unique and pristine example. Wilco Aviation is excited to present this immaculate Luscombe Silvaire 8E for sale. Exclusivel...
1979 Cessna TR182RG
Tel: (418) 871-0047 Fax: (418) 871-6937 710B, 7e Avenue de l'AeroportQuebec, QC G2G 2T6CanadaAll Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice Engines ...
2015 Cessna T240 Air, FIKI, SVT, ESP, TAWS-B
Tel: (800) SKYHAWK Tel: (817) 468-7788Arlington Municipal Airport 4912 South Collins Arlington, Texas 76018 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Without Notice
Avião GULFSTREAM G450 2008 com 18 (2 + 16) assentos, matrícula PP-WMS, à venda em Brasil, com 3400 horas totais de célula General information: Aeronave no Brasil, 100% nacionalizada. Toda manutenção em dia controlada pelo CMP - Inspeções de 96 e 192...
1987 Socata TB-10 Tobago
SYNDICATE MEMBERS WANT THIS AIRCRAFT SOLD Here is a great opportunity to purchase a very cheap, "Engine in calendar" aircraft with amazing opportunity as an owner to generate an income from flight training to cover the associated ownership costs. D...
1970 Piper PA-23-250 Aztec
UK Aviation Sales Ltd is please to exclusively offer this PA23 Aztec project where any future buyer can fully personalise, upgrade and refurbish a good standard PA23 Aztec platform. Aircraft engines are run on a regular basis in order to continue to...
2017 Cirrus SR22 T GTS - "Generation 6"
AirframeTTSN (Flight) Engines Loc. Make Model TSN C TCM TSIO-550-K 1335 TTSN (Flight), Turbocharged, 315 HP, Platinum Series Engine, TBO ...
2015 Vans RV-8
UK registered (G-LEMI) Slow Build Completed 2016 Hangered since new Airframe: 257 hours since new (and counting). MT 3 blade constant speed prop mtv-12-B/183-59B: (257 since new) YIO-360-M1B Thunderbolt Fuel injected engine with Dual P-mag...
1972 Cessna F-150 L
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2015 Vans RV-8
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