Browse 59 new and used Van's Aircraft for Sale listed by owners and aircraft brokers. Find Van's Aircraft for Sale near me on GlobalPlaneSearch.

2001 Vans RV 8 Taildragger
Total Time: 116 Hours Engine Time: 116 SMOH on 200 HP IO-360 B1B Prop Time: 116 Hours SPOH on Hartzell constant speed two blade Annual Due: April 2026
2007 Vans RV-4 Rocket
MAKE AN OFFER This is an Harmon Rocket, 260 HP. A wonderful fast aircraft has had one owner built by Kevin Armstrong (deceased) and first flown in 2007. Now owned by his sons who are non pilots and wishing to sell. The aircraft has been issued a new ...
2021 Vans RV-7
Perfect condition. Built by professional aviation company. Full optionals. Enabled and equipped for VFR - NIGHT VFR - IFR All invoices to make it were more than 380k. Used all the best components. Unique in Europe Airplane time state: Engine Ly...
1999 Vans RV-4
Very nice and unique RV4 in good condition with full dual controls. Built in America. S/N 554. Fully aerobatic with inverted fuel and oil system. Dual electronic ignition. Night VFR equipped. Airplane time state: Airframe TT 950 hrs. Engine Lyco...
2024 Vans RV-7 project
Looking for an exciting project to dive into over the winter months in your garage? Start building your very own aircraft today: the Acro RV-7 Slider with tailwheel. Celebrated as one of the best-looking kit planes on the market, this aircraft boasts...
RV9A (WAM120) with Slider Canopy G-RVLC
RV9A Offers over 40kWAM-120 Jet-A fuelled engine maintained by Gingell Aerospace MTV-6/175 (69 ) three blade prop., Jihostroj CSU 6-Pack steam gauges on air, elec T+S Icom 8.33kHz, Garmin Mode-C, SkyEcho-2 with SD Tablet, Intercom Built b...
2001 Vans RV RV-8 Taildragger
Tel: (530) 642-2806 Tel: (800) 759-9466 Fax: (530) 642-9375 3501 Airport Road, Hanger# 2 Placerville, California 95667 All Specifications Subject to Verification Upon Inspection Availability Subject to Prior Lease, Sale, or Withdrawal From Market Wit...
2002 Vans RV-6
RV6 general overhauled, like new, rebuilt from RV6A to RV6. Engine Lycoming O-360-A1A 180+ hp, inverted system, autopilot, electric trim, fully equipped, 3x radio 8.33 (Nav), constant speed propeller. Airplane time state: 860h Engine and airframe
Vans RV12ULS for sale
RV12Vans RV12 owner built and sole pilot. Hangared from day one. First permit May 2019,permitted until May 25. No damage. Rotax 912 ULS with 96 tacho hours. Comprehensive Vans Rv12 specific extras including leather seats,carpets,strobes,landing ligh...
2007 Vans RV-4 Rocket
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2021 Vans RV-7
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1999 Vans RV-4
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2024 Vans RV-7 project
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2002 Vans RV-6
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Vans RV12ULS for sale
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